Questions and answers

How are referrals made?

Referrals can be made at any time by contacting the Clinical Nurse Specialist on (02) 9976 8300.

For emergency admissions please contact the Nursing Unit Manager on (02) 9976 8300.

See more information about the referral process.

How much does it cost to stay at Bear Cottage?

Nothing. Families do not pay for any of the services they receive while staying with us.

How many children can stay at Bear Cottage?

We can care for six to eight children and their families at any one time.


How many people work at Bear Cottage?

Approximately 60 staff including the nursing staff, child life therapist, art therapist, music therapist, week day and weekend chefs, maintenance manager, housekeepers, administration staff, volunteer manager and community relations manager. 

Bear Cottage also has a Paediatric Palliative Care Staff Specialist who works two days a week, four GPs who service Bear Cottage on a roster basis and social workers. In addition, Bear Cottage has more than 120 volunteers who perform various tasks from working with the play therapy team, housekeeping duties, dog walking, driving, kitchen duties etc.

How long can a child stay at Bear Cottage?

We offer support for up to four weeks booked respite per year dependent on availability however there is no limit on end-of-life care.


What region or area do you cover?

We accept referrals for all eligible children regardless of geographic location or where they receive their primary care

Does Bear Cottage cater for families with diverse cultures and religions?

Families of all backgrounds and beliefs are warmly welcomed at Bear Cottage.

We will do our very best to accommodate all your cultural needs and preferences. You are welcome to contact us to discuss your needs prior to your visit.


How can I support Bear Cottage?

Bear Cottage was established with donated funds. While we have recently started receiving some government funding, we continue to rely on donated funds to provide the programs that make Bear Cottage unique.

If you would like to help us there are many ways you can make a difference - you can donate money, participate in fundraising activities or choose to volunteer your time.