Although Beau’s future is filled with many unknowns, Nicole is determined to provide her little boy with the best quality of life possible
"Our son, Sol, was four weeks old when his care was transferred to Bear Cottage, the children's hospice for NSW. It was scary and felt bittersweet, but this quickly turned into a heart-warming and cherished experience.
This July marks the fourth anniversary of Lili's passing and for Mum Sara, taking part in the A Little Piece of Me project had come at the perfect time. "It's a way to keep my beautiful Miss Lili's memory alive."
On Thursday 17th of March 2001 - 21 years ago, Bear Cottage officially swung open its doors and became the first children's hospice in NSW. Since its humble beginning, Bear Cottage has cared for more than 1000 children and their families.
We often reflect on the unique relationships that are built and nurtured with the children and families in our care.
During this lockdown period our Music Therapist Annabelle has been running regular virtual music therapy sessions for our Bear Cottage children and their families to enjoy.
See how Moustafa's parents and sisters help him deal with 41 conditions.
Meet Michael's parents who discovered after his second birthday that his brain was shutting down.