Meet our new physio Lize

Meet our new physio Lize

image of physio of patient and a dog

Hi, I’m Lize and if you don’t know how to pronounce that, you are not the only one! 

A little bit about me. I grew up in the beautiful bushveld region of South Africa – it is the opposite side of the country to where Cape Town is. 

After I finished my physiotherapy degree I said goodbye to my friends, family and the sun before embarking on an adventure to the UK. 

I worked as a children’s physio in most of the major hospitals in London and also did community work within schools and local clinics. This adventure lasted a bit longer than planned and after working and living in London for nearly nine years, exploring Europe every chance I got, I decided to move across the world to see if the coffee was really that good in Australia. 

When I applied for this physio role, I didn’t really know what to expect. I was absolutely blown away by the staff and the families at Bear Cottage and very quickly felt that this was something special. I am excited to contribute by providing families with advice and guidance during their stay. 

My main aim is to work closely with the other healthcare staff to ensure I meet the needs of each specific child and family. This includes advising on equipment, positioning, liaising with current community therapists when their needs change, hydro, respiratory support and play time. 

I feel so lucky to be part of this amazing team that creates an environment that feels cosy yet supportive in all ways. I am at Bear Cottage on a Monday and Thursday and will check in during your stay. Alternatively you can ask staff if you have specific therapy needs who will inform me. Looking forward to meeting you.

Our thanks to the Tar-Ra fund for generously supporting the physiotherapy role at Bear Cottage.