Booking your child's respite visit
Make a booking
Bookings will be made dependent on bed availability and individual circumstances.
Bookings can be made by phoning the Nursing Unit Manager on (02) 9976 8301.
Check in: 2pm - 4pm
Check out: 10am -11am
Our Administrative Officer will send relevant paperwork to you six weeks prior to your admission. This will give you time to see your doctor and complete paperwork e.g. medical update form, medication charts, consents, etc.
Unfortunately we will not be able to admit a child if the paperwork has not been completed. For legal reasons, we are not able to administer medications without relevant forms signed by a medical officer.
On admission day
On admission day, the nurse admitting your child will need to confirm with parents/ guardians that the consents, care plan and medication charts are correct and up to date.
Please allow at least one hour for the admission process.
Families may only book seven days of respite every second school holidays, however, this is also dependent on bed availability.
Rescheduling in emergency situations
Your child’s respite visit may be rescheduled in the event a bed is required for end-of-life care or an emergency admission.
We will do our utmost to prevent any inconvenience.
You will be notified as soon as possible so that alternate arrangements may be made. We will do everything possible to avoid disruption to pre-arranged plans.
Two-hour parking is available in the street adjacent to Bear Cottage.
Limited parking is available for staff and resident families only.
Only one car per family can be accommodated.
Please ring the buzzer at the top of the driveway for access to the car park. Please ask your visitors to park in the street.