Signs of distress | Coping strategies |
- clinginess
- irritable/tantrum
- crying
- difficulty sleeping
| - simple, honest explanations
- verbal and non-verbal comfort and reassurance
- maintain routine
- regression
- anxiety at bedtime
- fear of abandonment
- irritability
| - simple honest explanations with repetitions
- physical comfort
- consistent routines
- reassure death is not contagious
- sadness, anger
- feelings of abandonment
- changes in sleeping, eating patterns
- nightmares
- aggressive play
- behavioural problems
| - simple, honest explanations
- check understanding
- allow opportunity to express feelings
- involve school
- reassure they are not responsible for death
- sadness, anger
- physical complaints
- overactive to avoid thinking of death
- feel ashamed, different
- problems at school, withdrawing
- concern with deceased’s body
- suicidal thoughts
- role confusion.
| - open, honest explanations
- answer questions
- give opportunity to express feelings
- involve school
- provide outlet for anger – sports, physical activities
- reassure they are not responsible for death
- depression, anger, non-compliance
- withdrawal from family
- difficulty concentrating
- high-risk behaviours (drugs, alcohol, promiscuity)
| - direct, honest conversations
- encourage expression of feelings, thoughts
- consistent limits balanced with freedom and choices
- acknowledge grief, allow time to mourn
- involve school