Reporting to the Coroner

There are some instances where NSW law requires a death be reported to the Coroner and for an autopsy to be done. 

These include:

  • sudden unexplained deaths
  • an accident
  • of a death occurs less than 24 hours after an anaesthetic 
  • if a child or young person is or has been in the care of the Department of Communities and Justice.

While this may not be customary in some cultures, it is a legal requirement and Bear Cottage has no authority to prevent the coronial autopsy.

The process 

Bear Cottage informs local police

In order to inform the Coroner, we are required to inform the local police. 

The local police act as agents for the Coroner. 

Their role is to come to Bear Cottage so you or a close relative may identify your child to them. 

This is a legal formality and the police are sensitive to your situation. 

Coroner issues death certificate

Once the information on your child’s death has been received by the Coroner, the paper work will be completed. 

The Coroner will provide a death certificate and your child’s body can be released for the funeral.  

Funeral director arranges release

This release can be arranged by the funeral director and the funeral arrangements can go ahead. 

Bear Cottage staff will assist with further information and support during this process.